
Your Flags are made to last, but how long they last is also up to you.
All SG Branding products are made with the utmost care at the highest of quality standard, but that doesn't mean they are indestructible. The first thing to take into account is that your Flags are made to move. The Flags flap in the wind to give motion to your branding, creating awareness for your brand. Anything that moves will eventually wear down, but not as soon as you think. If you want your flags to flap longer here is a guide that will help you take care of them over time. 
1. Setting up and Packing away
Before your flag even see the light of day it has to be set up properly. We have a series of set-up videos on our YouTube page showing how to properly set up and pack away our products, Flags included. 
These step-by-step instructional videos are very handy when you (or the "activation guys" with no regard for you OR your Branding and the time and MONEY YOU SPENT GETTING IT ALL INTO.....ok calming down) 
As we were saying, these are very handy when setting up in the field in case the process is unclear or you want to do it fast and efficiently without damaging your branding. 
2. Avoid abnormal weather conditions
As we've said your Flags are meant to flap in the wind. They can take a fair beating and are made to withstand strong winds in all environments. 
This being said, if the wind reaches high levels you might need to take them down and put them inside until the conditions change for the better. At these levels you'll be able to pick up strong wind warnings on weather apps and the news. We're not talking about your every day Cape Town mini-monsoons but really bad storms. This includes heavy rain, snow and hail. 
3. They will fade..eventually
OK, cat's out the bag! Let's all face it...all fabrics fade eventually. If you use your Flags every day they will fade within half a year. If you only use them at events they might not fade for the entire period that you use them. The key is to only use them when they are needed. Our flag range is mainly for events so they are easy to set up and take down, but can also be fixed outside of any premises. If they don't need to be fixed into place then take them down, even when the sun goes down. For a guarantee non-fade Flag take a look at our UV Curveheads. 
4. Cleaning instructions
Cleaning is easy and simple. A cold hand wash with a mild dish soap is the best way to go about it. Most people's instincts will tell them to throw it into a washing machine and just hope for the best
but over time your print will get damaged. Stick to a Cold hand wash and you Flags will flap again.
5. Keep them Dry
Lastly the rule of thumb is to keep them dry as much as possible. Your Flags wont disintegrate when they get wet but prolonged exposure to moisture will wash away the print and effect the longevity of the fabric. If they are up in the rain make sure to dry them completely before packing them away. Dabbing the excess moisture with a dry cloth and leaving them spread out to dry is the best way to go about it. 
So there you have it. Making Flags, that are made to last, last even longer. 
If you found this post helpful or you would like more info on Flag care please drop us a comment below. 
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